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The Taught Curriculum

The second question, “How best will we learn?” represents the taught curriculum and the application of best classroom practices in a PYP school. The taught curriculum involves the methods teachers use to engage students with the written curriculum. It is not only “what” students will learn but also “how” they will learn it that matters in a PYP school. PYP teachers are expected to constantly examine and improve the practices they use to actively involve students in learning. 

The PYP is committed to structured inquiry-based instruction. Teachers develop lessons that allow students to wonder and to ask questions. Teachers also support and guide their students through the process of finding answers. This may involve research, experiments, field trips or discoveries made through reading and classroom experiences. Teachers know that regardless of skill level or background, students vary in their academic abilities, learning styles, interests, background knowledge and experiences. It is their goal to provide a variety of experiences to meet the needs of all their students.


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